An architecture studio project exploring sustainable housing typologies.


In response to changing demographics in the South Bronx, we took the stance that the normative family structures and binary public/private divisions in traditional apartment buildings conflicts with the complexity of social interaction in daily life. Cities are characterized by rapid and often unpredictable change - social, economic, and environmental. A higher density of social interaction strengthens networks and increases our ability to respond to extreme events and maintain stability amidst change. 

Taking cues from the way in which existing neighborhood organizations share facilities in the face of limited resources, our goal in this housing project was to enable residents to modify the boundaries of private and shared spaces to meet evolving financial, familial, and interpersonal needs. The architecture clusters private spaces around shared facilities that support food production, preparation, and consumption. As multiple households layer their routines over shared spaces, interactions increase and relationships form. The spaces around these shared facilities become fluid, allowing households grow and shrink as necessary.


In collaboration with Becca Book. Professors Ada Tolla and Giuseppe Lignano.