A print publication, transcribing a Columbia University event.


The Entrepreneurship Question was a community-driven event series initiated by graduate students at Columbia University GSAPP. Starting with a critical lens, the event explored the trend of entrepreneurship within a professional culture of overwork and precarity. To document the event and continue the dialogue with a broader audience, we designed a print publication of the event transcript to be distributed across the university.


As an initiator of the event and lead on the publication, I drove design and layout, advocated for funding with the school administration, and coordinated final production with a printer. I transcribed the dialogue and curated additional quotes and resources on the topic that informed our thinking. A two-column design makes room for these complementary resources, while providing space for commentary and note-taking. Images from the live event were filtered through a parametric script to create a cohesive affect and transport readers to the day of the original dialogue.


A-Frame, in collaboration with Valerie Lechene and Miranda Shugars. Funded by Columbia Books on Architecture and the City.